CityU holds the “AY2022/2023 Outstanding Administrative Staff Award and Certificate of Commendation Presentation Ceremony”

City University of Macau held its second annual Outstanding Administrative Staff Award to recognize and commend the exceptional contributions made by administrative staff members. Launched in 2021, this program aims to inspire colleagues to continuously improve service quality and job performance while encouraging them to make significant contributions to the University’s development.


Following the tradition of previous years, administrative staff members who received an “Excellent” rating in the previous year’s performance appraisal were invited to participate in the program. A review committee and peer evaluations conducted a comprehensive assessment to select the top three colleagues to receive awards. The award ceremony and certificate presentation for the Outstanding Administrative Staff Commendation Program took place on January 16, 2024, at the Exhibition Hall of City University of Macau Cultural Center. The event not only announced the winners of this year’s program but also presented certificates to 26 administrative staff members who achieved an “Excellent” rating in the 2022/2023 academic year’s performance appraisal. Rector Jun Liu, Vice Rector Wanlei Zhou, Vice Rector Kuai Peng Ip, University leaders and unit heads attended the ceremony, sharing the joy with the award recipients.


Before presenting the certificates, Rector Liu conveyed his blessings and words of encouragement to all attendees. He expressed deep appreciation for the administrative staff members’ accomplishments in the past year and recognized their wholehearted dedication, which contributed to the University’s steady progress. Rector Liu expressed sincere gratitude for their efforts and encouraged everyone to continue their pursuit of University advancement and personal growth.


Subsequently, Rector Liu, Vice Rector Zhou, and Vice Rector Ip presented awards to the top three colleagues selected for the Outstanding Administrative Staff Award and took commemorative photos together. The award recipients expressed their appreciation to the University. One of them who has joined the University for nearly ten years expressed their delight in the University’s ongoing recognition of their work and support for their professional development, and pledged to continuously contribute actively to the University in the future.


Following the award ceremony, a celebratory tea reception provided an opportunity for University Leaders and attendees to enjoy a relaxed and pleasant time together. During the reception, University Leaders engaged in enthusiastic conversations with the participants, fostering closer connections and communication among colleagues.


City University of Macau has always emphasized the recognition and fulfillment of staff development needs. Moving forward, the University will continue to improve working environment and professional development platform, and work collaboratively with all faculty and staff members to witness and promote a prosperous future for the University.