Category: Job Application

Senior Clerk – Student Affairs Office

Job Description Responsible for preparation and writing of project reports and work plans; Responsible for regular data collection, consolidation and management; Draft reports and correspondence for government/entities; Assist in handling alumni affairs; Assist in communicating with alumni associations; Assist graduates in organizing events; Assist in coordinating student activities; Perform other related duties as required. Requirements… Senior Clerk – Student Affairs Office

Clerk – Information Technology Office

Job Description Assist in supporting the data center and equipment rooms. Assist in maintaining network systems (including Network cable, WiFi, AP, Switch, Router). Assist in maintaining CCTV systems. Support IT hardware, software, and telephone installations. Support the installation of Papercut printer system. Support teaching equipment (including information podiums, computers, projectors, printers). Support the restoration system,… Clerk – Information Technology Office

維修技工 – 設施管理處

職責 主要負責校區、學生及員工宿舍的維修工作:包括照明、冷氣、電力裝置、洗手間設備、門鎖、傢俱等; 協助跟進外判保養服務,包括通風系統、消防系統、電梯系統等; 機電及校區設備定期巡查; 教學活動的場地燈光、冷氣及臨時的場地支援; 負責維修零配件的收貨及出入倉工作; 協助部門定期盤點工作; 需24小時及假日緊急支援; 其他上級指派維修工作。 職位要求 具初中畢業或以上; 具兩年或以上酒店、娛樂場所及大型機構的維修工作經驗; 具學校、服務式住宅或大型酒店設施維護工作經驗者優先考慮; 持重型電單車駕駛牌照優先考慮; 持有建築物職安卡、電力設備或裝置培訓證書; 良好中文書寫; 能細心、冷靜、安全地處理工作。 申請方式 有興趣之求職者請於招聘系統進行註冊及填寫電子申請表: *所有個人資料將會保密並僅用作招聘用途

Clerk – Library

Job Description Responsible for the management and services of document lending, reading, retrieval, and learning commons; Responsible for the organization and management of the library’s collection, including the shelving, layout adjustment, collection, and removal of documents; Provide reading guidance, bibliographic search guidance, reference consultation service, new book display, and assist in the reading promotion activities;… Clerk – Library

Senior Clerk / Supervisor – Rector’s Office

Job Description Arrange various types of meetings in accordance with University regulations, including drafting meeting agendas, issuing notices, collecting and compiling documents, summarizing content for report presentations, transcribing minutes, and managing archives; Follow governance documents for the University and all faculties/departments in accordance with University regulations; Review documents submitted by faculties/departments and make necessary revisions… Senior Clerk / Supervisor – Rector’s Office

Senior Clerk – Finance Division

Job Description Responsible for handling the financial and tax filing matters of the university’s operation in PRC; Liaise with banks and relevant institutions in PRC; Responsible for handling various financial and banking issues in China; Assist in handling the daily financial and accounting work of the university; Assist in maintaining the filing system and data… Senior Clerk – Finance Division

Administrative Staff

Job Description Responsible for preparation and writing of project reports and work plans; Responsible for regular data collection, consolidation and management; Draft reports and correspondence for government/entities; Participate in event preparation and planning; Maintain close contact and cooperation with departments/institutions within and outside the University; Perform other related duties as required. Requirements Have excellent Chinese… Administrative Staff

Project Executive / Project Coordinator

Job Description Provide effective and quality project management, and coordinate multifunctional working groups for the University’s projects to ensure the projects are completed on time and with high quality; Conduct market research and analysis for potential projects, coordinate and integrate experts’ opinions; Organize experts’ review meetings and ensure accurate information communication and updates about the… Project Executive / Project Coordinator

Faculty Administrative Staff

To cope with the development of the university, we are opening various new positions in different faculties. Job Description Responsible for the regular operation of the programs and daily administrative tasks of the faculty; Manage student records, student status changes, and coordinate affairs related to postgraduate thesis; Assist in coordinating faculty events and University-wide activities;… Faculty Administrative Staff

Psychological Counselor – Student Affairs Office

Job Description • Responsible for coordinating the University ‘s psychological counseling work, developing psychological counseling plans, and improving students’ mental health during the time in campus;• Handle the overall work of psychological testing for new students;• Provide psychological counselling to students in need, keeping case records, and conducting crisis intervention, referrals, contacting parents, and organizing… Psychological Counselor – Student Affairs Office