CityU Macau holds the “Talent Recruitment Programme” Information Session

For the purpose of promoting the “1+4” Strategy of Adequately Diversified Economic Development of Macao SAR, as well as enhancing innovation, competitiveness, and international recognition of the region in order to nurture the local industries and the long-term progress of the society, the Macao SAR Government has inaugurated a new phase of the “Talent Recruitment Programme”, aiming to leverage the skills, experience and network of top talents to develop key local industries, which has received an overwhelming response. With the rollout of the new application process, the CityU Macau held an information session regarding the Programme on June 26th for the qualified academic staff, in which the Secretary General of Talent Development Committee of Macao SAR, Prof. William Chong Hang Chao, was invited as our guest speaker.

During the meeting, Prof. Chao explained in detail the reasons for the establishment of the Programme, the categories of the target talents, the positioning of Greater Bay Area, along with the advantages of Macao SAR, including namely the economic and trade relations with Mainland and its role as the platform between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries (PSCs). In addition, Prof. Chao also advised on the application procedures, evaluation standards and other notes needing attention, as well as provided the statistical data about the approval status of the first round of the Programme. In the Q&A session, the participants actively raised their questions, especially relating to the impacts that their own professions, career paths and family status would make to their applications. Questions were all construed by the guest from a legal and practical perspective, which resulted in an enthusiastic interaction between the guest and the participants. Some colleagues have expressed their strong interest in contributing to Macao SAR through this Programme, as many of them are impressed by the social ethics, regime, and the support to different professions from the government of the region.

Building professional faculties and service teams lie at the center of management. CityU Macau employs academic and managerial members with international backgrounds to cultivate students, emphasizing the importance of training and professional development opportunities for employees. Hence, with the second phase of the Talent Recruitment Programme kicking-off, CityU Macau hopes that this event would be useful for those who are keen to have their long-term development in Macao SAR.