Author: tong sofia

維修技工 – 設施管理處

職責 主要負責校區、學生及員工宿舍的維修工作:包括油漆、泥水翻新、門鎖、傢俱等; 負貴校園設施的保養維護; 協助監督外判商的保養及維修服務; 定期巡查校內場地及設施; 協助維修零件的出入倉及登記工作; 協助零件定期盤點工作; 提供校內活動及場地技術支援; 需24小時及假日緊急支援; 其他上級指派之工作。 職位要求 具初中畢業或以上; 具兩年或以上物業維護、油漆及家俱維修經驗; 具學校、服務式住宅或酒店設施維護工作經驗者優先考慮; 持有效職安卡; 持設施維護相關專業培訓證書優先考慮; 良好中文書寫; 能細心、冷靜、安全地處理工作。 申請方式 有興趣之求職者請登入招聘系統進行網上申請: *所有個人資料將會保密並僅用作招聘用途

CityU Health Week Event Series to Build a Wholesome Lifestyle for All

In order to raise the health awareness among staff and promote a balanced diet and a good lifestyle, City University of Macau organizes a series of Health Week activities in May every year. The Health Week Event Series this year was successfully held from May 20 to 24 with active participation from our staff members.… CityU Health Week Event Series to Build a Wholesome Lifestyle for All

Administrative Staff

Job Description Responsible for preparation and writing of project reports and work plans; Responsible for regular data collection, consolidation and management; Draft reports and correspondence for government/entities; Participate in event preparation and planning; Maintain close contact and cooperation with departments/institutions within and outside the University; Perform other related duties as required. Requirements Have excellent Chinese… Administrative Staff

Project Executive / Project Coordinator

Job Description Provide effective and quality project management, and coordinate multifunctional working groups for the University’s projects to ensure the projects are completed on time and with high quality; Conduct market research and analysis for potential projects, coordinate and integrate experts’ opinions; Organize experts’ review meetings and ensure accurate information communication and updates about the… Project Executive / Project Coordinator

CityU hosts “Mother’s Day Korean-Style Flower Cake Workshop” for Staff Members to Express Gratitude and Love to Their Loved Ones

In anticipation of Mother’s Day, City University of Macau hosts “Mother’s Day Korean-Style Flower Cake Workshop” for staff members on May 11 (Saturday), allowing staff members to make meaningful carnation-shaped cakes to express their gratitude and love to their loved ones. Under the guidance of professional instructors, colleagues carefully drew lifelike carnations with vivid colors… CityU hosts “Mother’s Day Korean-Style Flower Cake Workshop” for Staff Members to Express Gratitude and Love to Their Loved Ones

City University of Macau Honors Working Mothers with Mother’s Day Gifts and Greetings

In celebration of Mother’s Day, City University of Macau (CityU) organized a Mother’s Day gift distribution event to express sincere blessings to all working mothers among the University’s staff members. Recognizing the importance of mothers in their families, CityU sincerely hopes that each mother will take care their own well-being while devoting in their career.… City University of Macau Honors Working Mothers with Mother’s Day Gifts and Greetings

CityU Staff Visited “National Security Education Exhibition” to Strengthen Awareness of Safeguarding National Security

In order to actively support the efforts of the Macao SAR Government in promoting national security education, enhance staff members’ awareness on national security, core values of “loving the motherland and loving Macao”, as well as uphold the fundamental principle of “patriots governing Macao,” City University of Macau organizes staff members to visit the “National… CityU Staff Visited “National Security Education Exhibition” to Strengthen Awareness of Safeguarding National Security

Delegation of CityU Visits Singapore and Malaysian Universities to Strengthen Talent Exchange and Cooperation

In an effort to broaden the channels for international talent exchange and cooperation, and to introduce a greater diversity of outstanding talents in various disciplines and fields to Macau, the delegation from City University of Macau (CityU) recently visited higher education institutions in Singapore and Malaysia from April 14 to 18. During the five-day visit,… Delegation of CityU Visits Singapore and Malaysian Universities to Strengthen Talent Exchange and Cooperation

CityU organizes staff members to visit “Centro Ambiental Alegria (Environmental FUN Centre)” to raise environmental awareness

In order to cultivate environmental protection awareness of our staff members, the University organized a tour to the Centro Ambiental Alegria (Environmental FUN Centre) on April 17 (Wednesday). Through the interactive sessions on recycling knowledge and hands-on experience, the activity aims to enhance the staff members’ awareness of environmental protection and actively promote the practice… CityU organizes staff members to visit “Centro Ambiental Alegria (Environmental FUN Centre)” to raise environmental awareness

CityU Organizes the Watercolor Food Painting Workshop for Staff Members’ Relaxed Interaction and Showcase Artistic Vibrancy

To foster a relaxed environment for staff members to connect with each other and increase the enjoyment of life, CityU Macau has been organizing series of “Leisure Workshops”. The recent “Watercolor Food Painting Workshop” has been held successfully on April 12 (Friday) in a lively atmosphere. Guided by an instructor during the Workshop, colleagues learned… CityU Organizes the Watercolor Food Painting Workshop for Staff Members’ Relaxed Interaction and Showcase Artistic Vibrancy