CityU holds “Gender Equality in the Workplace” Workshop

In order to continue improving the understanding of our staff members on gender equality in the workplace, the University has hold a workshop on “Gender Equality in the Workplace” recently, and invited Lawyer Ms. Lo Pui Kei to the campus to explain the understanding and definition of gender equality in the working environment, as well as the relevant legislation and appeal methods.

Ms. Lo has combined analysis and actual cases to explain to the audience about the understanding of equality, also introduced the principle of equality in the Constitution and the Basic Law, and practical cases about gender equality between employers, employees and even job seekers in workplace. The content of the workshop was comprehensive and detailed. Participants have raised up questions to Ms. Lo based on the content of the workshop, and the atmosphere was relaxed but active.

The City University of Macau always upholds the social responsibility and philosophy of “rooting in Macau and serving the Greater Bay Area”. We pay close attention to the daily work training and development of staff, and also attach great importance in strengthening the staff’s awareness of gender equality in the workplace and the popularization of relevant legal content. We will continue to hold this series of activities and workshops to provide more information and knowledge to our staff in different areas of law.