CityU continues to hold the “Personal Data Protection Act” Workshop

In order to continuously enhance the awareness and vigilance of our staff members on the handling and protection of personal and sensitive data in daily work, the University has invited Ms. Leong I Man, representative from Office for Personal Data Protection of Macau, to hold the “Personal Data Protection Act” workshop this year on April 28, explaining the legal provisions and share cases with our staff members.

Ms. Leong explained in detail of the provisions of the “Personal Data Protection Act” in the workshop, including the principles of processing personal data, the legitimacy of data use, the rights of data subject and the responsibilities of controller. With actual case analysis, it helps to deepen the understanding of staff in these legal provisions and the correct handling of personal data. In the final Q&A session, staff members asked questions based on the problems encountered in their daily work, and Ms. Leong answered with professional knowledge and experience. The atmosphere was active. Staff who participated in the workshop said that although he had attended a workshop with the same topic before, listening to the explanations again would allow them to review the past and learn new things, effectively consolidate their knowledge in this area, and be more careful when handling personal data in their daily work.

The City University of Macau always upholds the social responsibility and philosophy of “rooting in Macau and serving the Greater Bay Area”. We attach great importance to staff training and development, and will continue to hold this series of activities and workshops to provide more self-enhancement opportunities for our staff members, optimising staff’s abilities and perceptions about the handling and protection of personal and sensitive data.