CityU Holds Outstanding Administrative Staff Award to Thank Employees for Their Hard Work

To recognize the contributions of administrative staff to the University and to encourage staff members to continue improving service quality and work performance, City University of Macau has held the “Outstanding Administrative Staff Award Ceremony of Academic Year 2020/2021”. The award invited all the administrative staff whose Performance Appraisal were rated “excellent” in last academic year to participate. After reviewing the information from participants, three colleagues were selected by jointed evaluation of Panel Committee and votes among the participants. The three winners were awarded with certificates and prizes.

The award ceremony was held at the Faculty Club in CityU Campus, while  Rector Liu Jun and University Leaders were invited to present the awards to the winners. In Rector Liu’s speech, he fully affirmed the work achievements of the administrative staff in the past years. He pointed out that the steady progress and development of the University has been largely relied on the unremitting contributions of all the administrative staff. Therefore, he sincerely thanked our staff members for their dedications and encouraged everyone to keep the morale and continue developing with the University.

Rector Liu Jun, Vice Rector Kong Fanqing and Vice Rector Zhou Wanlei then presented the awards for the top 3 winners as well as the commemorative gifts to all participants in this program respectively. Among the winners, there is a senior employee who has served CityU for more than 20 years, whilst there is a colleague who has only joined CityU for about two and a half years. They all said that they were very happy to witness the development of CityU throughout these years, and also proud of their personal growth as well as accompanying the University moving forward. After the award ceremony, there was a celebration tea party for University Leaders and participants to communicate with each other. Rector Liu Jun talked with the participants one by one, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

City University of Macau has always attached great importance to the recognition and development needs of our employees, and will continue working hard in the future. We look forward to working hand in hand with all staff members to achieve a greater success!