Global Tour of Sharing and Recruitment – Melbourne and Sydney

During the period of April 16 to 22, 2023, a delegation composed of Prof. Zhou Wanlei, Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Data Science, Pro-Rector Chu Te Lin, and Prof. José Alves, Dean of the Faculty of Business, embarked on a visit to several prestigious institutions in Australia. The purpose of this visit was to deliver presentations about City University of Macau and our talent recruitment program.

Throughout their visit, the delegation visited University of Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology, Deakin University, Macquarie University, Western Sydney University, and the University of Technology Sydney. In addition to talent recruitment, the delegation actively sought to establish stronger ties with the local colleges and universities, laying a solid groundwork for future collaborations.

Delegation communicated with local students to share the current situation of CityU

Delegation engaged in communication with our visiting universities and also took photos together